Els herbaris, font de granes per a conservació

Un equip de botànics belgues, coordinats per Sandrine Godefroid, ha aconseguit la germinació de granes conservades a les col·leccions antigues d’herbari, pertanyents a tàxons extingits al territori. Així es destaca el paper valuós dels herbaris, també com a font de material per a la recuperació d’espècies amenaçades. L’article ha estat publicat a la prestigiosa revista Taxon.



Sala de col·leccions de l’herbari BCN (Foto: Cedocbiv)




Godefroid, S., A. Van de Vyver, P.  Stoffelen, E.Robbrecht, Elmar & T. Vanderborght (2011)
Testing the viability of seeds from old herbarium specimens for conservation purposes
Taxon 60: 565-569




Plant collections in herbaria are potentially valuable seed sources for conservation and recovery. This paper explores the feasibility of “resurrecting” 26 extinct taxa from the Belgian flora by analysing the viability of seeds from old herbarium specimens that had been stored for 23 to 158 years. Seed viability was estimated by performing germination tests according to standard procedures. Germination was achieved for eight seeds from three herbarium specimens of a single species, Bupleurum tenuissimum, aged 101, 125 and 144 years. Seed maturity, storage conditions and seed senescence were the main factors influencing the viability of the investigated seeds.

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