Impacte previst del CC sobre la biodiversitat terrestre

Investigadors de la Universitat d’East Anglia (UEA), una de les seus reconegudes al món com a autoritat en canvi climàtic, han publicat la previsió dels efectes del canvi climàtic sobre la biodiversitat del Regne Unit, en particular sobre els ecosistemes litorals, en un document anomenat Terrestrial Biodiversity Report Card, donat a conèixer ahir.

L’equip redactor ha estat format per més de 40 investigadors, i segons nota de premsa de la UEA:

The UEA researchers produced two of 15 scientific reviews underpinning the report, which will be used to advise government policy makers, land managers and environmental consultants on the current evidence of climate-induced changes to habitats and species. The report has also been used as part of a special Channel 4 News series looking at the impacts of climate change on Britain’s Green and Pleasant Land.

Dr Hannah Mossman and Prof Alastair Grant from UEA’s school of Environmental Sciences, together with Prof Anthony Davy from the school of Biological Sciences, produced a comprehensive overview of how climate change is threatening the UK’s coastal habitats. Meanwhile Dr Mossman, along with environmental scientists Dr Aldina Franco and Dr Paul Dolman, revealed how climate change is altering our invertebrate fauna.

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